An expert and innovative industry

Corrugated board packaging is a premium packaging solution that adapts to all uses to satisfy all its industrial users, the distributors and the consumers. It can meet all needs in terms of sizes, shapes, colors …
100% renewable, 100% recyclable and 93.5% recycled, corrugated board is the result of sophisticated technical know-how, in particular to obtain a material that is both light and resistant. The sector constantly innovate to make it an even more efficient material, responding to increasingly diverse needs in terms of strength, safety, shaping, reliability, communication …

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An expert and innovative industry

Corrugated board product

Corrugated board has accompanied
the Industrial revolutions

corrugated cardboard innovation

Adapting to new expectations
and market constraint

corrugated board in everyday life

le carton ondulé pour les rayons de supermarchés
le carton ondulé pour les colis
le carton ondulé pour protéger les objets fragiles, ici de la vaisselle
le carton ondulé pour présenter et transporter les fleurs et les plantes
le carton ondulé pour concevoir des objets
le carton ondulé pour le transport
le carton ondulé pour le packaging, ici d'une tondeuse
le carton ondulé pour le transport des fruits et légumes

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